Es ist nun möglich, die URL einer Website selbst zu gestalten (URL-Rewriting). Damit werden die Adressen leserlicher, aber nicht unbedingt einfacher. Sicher ist aber, dass mit dieser Möglichkeit noch einmal verbesserte Aussagen an Suchmaschinen definiert werden können. Allerdings darf hier erwähnt sein, dass dynpg bereits schon lange exzellente Möglichkeiten bietet, sich bei Suchmaschinen gut zu positionieren. Hier geht es zu einer Anleitung im Dokuwiki. Achtung: wird das URL-Rewriting nach dem Update aktiviert, so sind auch die Plugins zu aktualisieren!
Eine wunderbare Funktion in der Auswahl von PHP-Seiten über das dynpg-Backend ermöglicht es nun, beim Erstellen je Gruppe unterschiedliche, bereits vordefinierte Seiten anzugeben. So kann nun direkt über das Backend von z. B. einem einspaltigen zu einem zweispaltigen Design gewechselt werden.
Des Weiteren gibt es einige kleinere optische und handliche Anpassungen im Backend und schließt diverse Sicherheitslücken (vielen Dank an Tim Coen für die Meldung). Darüber hinaus gibt es durch Neuerungen im dynpg-Core auch neue Konfigutaionsparameter (siehe hier im Dokuwiki).
Infolge der neuen Sicherheitsmassnahmen ist es empfehlenswert, auch die Plugins auf den neusten Stand zu bringen.
Nachfolgend das Changelog dynpg-Version 4.6 auf 4.7
- update: implemented csrf mitigation (if not explicitely disabled via "config_Backend_csrf_token" it is enabled)
- bugfix: duplication of groups did not properly duplicated articles when set as group content
- bufgix: Persistent XSS
- bufgix: Self-XSS
- bufgix: Reflected XSS
- changed: write_AllArticles search SQL optimized
- added: write_AllArticles 2 order params GROUP + GROUP_INDEX
- added: added "nofollow" to pdf and print icon
- update: implemented parameter "config_Url_Rewrite_Perma_Id_Level" which indicated whether the rewrite engine should add IDs to groups anytime beginning from level equal to the parameter
- bugfix: group names in different depths are now properly separated
- bugfix: enforce "~id" part when group name is "home"
- update: allow special chars with accents
- bugfix: subgroups not defined in if-branch
- bugfix: mitigate risk for infinite loops due to same (root,element,successor) triple
- changed: has_active_successors always false if group itself has setting without subnavigation
- bugfix: fixed performance issue when activating URL rewriting via caching the group-structure into an array and just reading this cached array inside of is_group_public()
- changed: mail spam protect + file path in upload functions
- bugfix: dont load articles if not neccessary
- bugfix: absolute path for include of connectdb.php
- added: M_HAS_ARTICLES_IN_GROUP for template populating if group has articles independent if shown in menu or not
- bugfix: group info outside articles.tpl
- bugfix: groupinfo in articles.tpl
- added: pass current group info to articles.tpl outside of listing
- added: group_shorttextl for strlen of groupshorttext to templates
- changed: AllArticles() Load Text from DB always to set TEXTLRAW (strlen on raw text field) to determine if more is necessary or not
- changed: has_articles set to true even if listing is empty but group contains articles. Maybe list is hidden from menu!
- changed: prevent warnings
- changed: reduced vertical distance to prevent scrolling
- bugfix: only show 404 response when anytime is false (cont.)
- new: parameter menu parameter "parse_groups_have_active_successors"
- bugfix: only show 404 response when anytime is false
- bugfix: trim link before adding to url list
- bugfix: remove ./ from beginning of path in order to work with url-rewriting
- bugifx: normalize articles as in the htaccess
- new: added shariff social media buttons
- bugfix: removed hover effect from root menu entry in backend menu
- added: new navigation texts
- added: new pagination navigation texts
- bugfix: double $$
- new: configuration parameter "config_Register_Pages" to specify selectable pages in the backend for groups; format of the parameter: "=" where has to be either a relative path from the dynpg-directory or an absolute url starting with http:// and is some identifiert occuring in the dropdown in the backend. Note that for only the characters a-z, 0-9, space, - and _ are allowed.
- bugfix: apply rewriteURL() in writePathOfElement() only once
- update: removed background arrows from backend menu
- new: added link on "number of articles" in group list
- new: use new IF_META_TITLE variable in "title" attribute of links to use META_TITLE of a group/article if it exists
- update: changed rewriting to use "-" only and article ID at the end
- added: meta_title to template variables
- bugfix: unterminated string literal js error if passing content to insertContentToParent()
- update: implemented HTTP 404 Code when non-existent/non-public group/article is fetched
- update: changed config variable "config_Url_Rewrite_MultiViews"
- update: added note for Apache MultiViews in htaccess
- bugfix: email header utf-8 enconding with Byte64 B not quoted
- bugfix: clear variables when __set is called
- bugfix: too many slashes possible
- new: implemented URL rewriting from scratch
- bugfix: use correct protocol in formulars instead of hard coded HTTP
- bugfix: do not use standard 443 port in HTTPS mode
- update: changed HTTP to HTTPS links
- new: paremeters "hide_excluded_articles_from_navigation" and "show_excluded_articles_from_navigation_for_groups"
- changed: no checkSlashes for image description anymore
- added: %ctx_formfield->FieldName% - variables from post values to use in mail text of forms
- added: own auto-mailtext and custom client, admin mailtexts on forms
- bugfix: prevent fancybox from preloading iframe content to fix IE issues
- bugfix: change function order to prevent ie11 errors
- bugfix: tinymce not inline popup add scrollbars
- bugfix: old escaping caused misterious disappearing of variables passed with $subRows
- added: LEAD_NOHTML_L as template variable to prevent parsing errors within pseudo IF structures and {$ chars in field values!
- added: implemented limitation date+time_from / date+time_up for articles
- bugfix: only click on textareas or text input fields not on checkboxes or radios etc.
- bugfix: prevent undefined error
- bugfix: php update &$ only in function signature not function calls!
- bugfix: removed deprecated "no-JS" hint under editor and removed "no-wrap" s.t. the editor scales down even for small window sizes
- bugfix: deleted display none from .fancybox-wrap
- changed: Reply-To can be set separate into mail header from mailreply, if mailfrom field of mailtexts contains a reply mail like <@> and the mailreply is not within mailfrom already.
- changed: utf8 strings