So wurde die Templateengine optimiert und um 50% schneller gemacht. Des Weiteren bringt es mehr Möglichkeiten, .js und .css-Dateien einzubinden (siehe
Wiki). Auch Bootstrap und die Kompatibilität zu PHP >= 5.4 waren ein Thema (siehe "Wichtigste Neuerungen").
- Wichtigste Neuerungen
- Neu: Bootstrap 2+3 kompatibles DynPG (inkl. kompatibler Menütemplates bootstrap, bootstrap3, bootstrap3-l2).
- Neu: Differenziertere Einbindung der .js und .css-Dateien möglich durch Write_Styles_Core()-Methoden (siehe Wiki).
- Verbessert: Kompatibilität zu PHP >= 5.4.
- Verbessert: Erhöhte Geschwindigkeit durch optimierte Template-Engine (ca. Faktor 2/3).
- Verbessert: Diverse Bugfixes.
- Changelog
- bugfix: div to span to be w3c conform
- bugfix: write "onmouseover" to be w3c conform
- update: improved (?) backend style (maybe just jumping from the frying pan into the fire)
- new: added several new methods to include style files, see
- new: added "home_compact" template
- update: replaced tables with divs in default template set
- update: do not insert additional menu entry in bootstrap menus
- update: excluded guestbook from dynpg core version, created separate trunk instead
- bugfix: encode maildata to utf-8 if encoding detected
- bugfix: do not use Quirks-Mode
- bugfix: checkbox enabling/disabling in refid-dialog fixed
- bugfix: duplicate article options, too
- changed: set "helvetica" as standard font
- bugfix: do not embed "kozminproregular" within "Close()" method
- changed: getArticles2Parent added isHome as parameter to filter for home articles only
- changed: getArticles2Parent allows now an array of parents and not only an ID
- changed: dynpg_sendmail() switch charsets depending on mail content.
- changed: added own js function for presentation effects and loading bar, because of different positioning within the iframe
- bugfix: replaced htmlentities with dynpg_htmlentities_rigid to prevent UTF8 conversion and string stripping by default handling the issue of changed default encoding since php >= 5.4
- changed: dynpg_handle_plugins() include TLanguage Class only if not exists allready (INSTALL PROC)
- new: added bootstrap3 compatible menu templates (for beginning in level 1 and level 2)
- update: changed template set "plugin_content" to noneditable
- new: added template "plain" which equals the old "plugin_content" template
- bugfix: encode mail ref and from due to RFC2047
- bugfix: encode mail ref and from due to RFC2047.
- bugfix: since php >= 5.4.0 the default parameter for htmlentities() changed, so we need to set him explicitely (first changes, only)
- bugfix: new jquery version does not support $.browser any more
- bugfix: encode mail ref and from due to RFC2047.
- bugfix: removed height from class "TextFieldStyleWhite"
- added: RANDOM as order option / field for article lists
- bugfix: take different argument values for "quality" into account in calls of Image***-methods()
- bugfix: jquery 1.9 removed jQuery.browser property, so determine IE seperately
- bugfix: set new parameter $bool true in method locked()
- bugfix: minor changes
- new: bootstrap template for dynamic menu
- update: tiny_mce core (no plugin update) to version 3.5.8
- bugfix: use jQuery.prop() to set checkboxes in REFID-Layer in the backend group listing to change checkbox state, too
- added: AA template var for language in rss template
- added: iptcparse for exifdata
- added: default values
- update: jquery & slimbox alias lightbox frameworks;
- update: fancybox framework
- update: jquery & slimbox alias lightbox; TODO: update fancybox to jquey 1.9.1 compatible
- changed: nl2br within form field values
- bugfix: fixed some issues occuring with php >=5.4.0
- added: absolute navigation links to prevent ./dynpg/../ paths
- bugfix: insert absolute url
- change: increased speed of template parsing by a factor of ~ 2/3 by skipping conditional/php/user-variable replacements when fillTemplate is called recursively; hope this does not affect any existant template code.
- new: added col which shows in edit mode if the article is contained in some group within the dublication list (same article text).
- bugfix: do not replace 0 from memLimit!
- bugfix: security issue by which viewing non-public articles via the print file was possible
- bugfix: check class exists on pear include to prevent errors because of allready loaded pear classes
- bugfix: rel="nofollow" for breadcrumb links
- changed: w3c conform id + class updates
- bugfix: using is(':visible') solves an issue that empty link tags were inserted in "live" mode
- bugfix: do only trigger tinyMCE container (not simply text or similar)
- added: had/hasSuccessor with flag for public 1 + 4 only!
- changed: parents with href aswell
- added: real nested ul li template set
- redone: form error / success handling while same form more then once on same page (DISABLED) should not be possible or cache and error handling must be redone. otherwise after page reload form errors are shown as long as the session is valid.
- added: _SRCH_ArticlesUnique shows an article just once in a search instead of repeated because of group contents
- bugfix: had/hasSuccessors-Articles reset within loop to generate real nested ul or ol lists
- added: new dynpg param srch_mode. if 1 it looks up only within searchkey field of articles
- bugfix: search now returns distinct article ids no matter how many times an article is set as groupentry
- bugfix: dont hide tablecells "actions", otherwise containing elements like association div could not be shown correctly
- changed: no_results check on empty listing because of skipped records found in database
- bugfix: disable tinymce_popup if page was not loaded through tinymce editor